Code architect is made up of only members who have verified their work across all geographic lengths and widths of Europe. We are officially established in 2013, although our works appear long ago. We were in the classrooms of the university but also in London circles, we supervised the construction of Olympic complexes, but they grew to a glowing 50 degree African. We’ve been through the wind, winds have been winding, and the sea was not always quiet, all the way to the oasis of peace. Our boat was anchored and decided to unload all knowledge on Korcula. There is no one here but just a friendly and professional team responsible for fulfilling and the most complicated demands that your words pass on projects. Critics about us will not be found, which does not mean we have no defects, but we are willing to open our office door for all suggestions and suggestions.
Dominic monastery st. Dominik
Dominican monastery is one of the most important architectural parts of Dubrovnik and major treasury of cultural and art heritage. Although the complex has in some of its elements different style characteristics, from the Romanesque to the Baroque, it is a harmonious and logical architectural unit, but nevertheless predominantly Gothic, and somewhat early Renaissance.